Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wanted the darkest corner of the world that day, but it felt as if there was light all the way. Emptiness and dark poetry, chapped lips and hollowed eyes. There are times when you want to be alone, but something sinister about that loneliness makes you unnerved. The harder you try to hold your sanity back, your grip loosens even more. Realizations, re-plans, re-dreams, resolutions and realizations again….the cycle goes on, we never learn, we never care to learn either. Things come and things go, it’s just the uncertainty of them that stays back. People come and people go, but their fragrance never stays back. They get buried under layers of new perfume bottles and red pot-pouris tied with golden threads of rain washed dreams. You are fucked by situations and people alike, but you go about dealing with them differently; you can change the people but the situations always remain the same. Exams are partly over. No plans yet. This is my 9th hour in front of the computer. Just reflects how workless I am. The mind can never get hold of the heart…the latter does grow wings with time…...

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