Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well, St Valentine must be smiling from wherever he dwells now. A whole week dedicated to him is insanely being celebrated all around. Marketing gimmick? Who the hell cares!! For the benefit of all my romantically-ignorant lovers here’s a brainless/pointless/reasonless how-to-prove-your-partner-you-love-her/him/them list of special days: 7th feb- rose day 8th feb- propose day 9th feb- chocolate day 10th feb- teddy day 11th feb- promise day 13th feb- hug day 14th feb- the all important St. Valentine Shahid Divas What the fuck!!! Anyway, I got a heavenly bar of heavenly chocolate today thanks to my heavenly P in the fondest memory of this certain heavenly Mr. Valentine. :P And,also, I’ve always felt that red roses are very overtly glorified during this time of the year. Orchids and lilies can bear the tomake-bhalobashi message quite efficiently as well. But still we are glued to our exhausted and over-worked pitiable roses like an old monk sticking on to his age-old rosary. Don't worry my dear rose, i won't tire you anymore. Your neglected cousins can end their stance of sadism now.:) Anyway, my prof results will be out soon. The disgusting questions like “ayi,tui koto peli re?” will be played and re-played and re-re-played by fools who think they’ll take their marksheets with them to their graves. I can never succumb to this silly idea that marks reveal your extent of awareness about the subject. It doesn’t and all those people who think so are morons. Fucking-mouse-brained-morons. errghh.

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