Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today, I finally got my favorite Wai Wai noodles from a shop in new market!!! And a beautiful black and red kurti!! And this Rs.110 ka black necklace and earring set. :):):) i feel like a birthday girl already. : P Today while I was coming back in the south bound metro, a European/American/Australian or any damn we-are-rich-and-white-and-stay-in-a-cleaner-country type couple sat close to me. They took out photographs taken in some Indian orphanage and old age home. I curiously glanced at the snaps and saw two of them. One had little emaciated dark, yellow-teethed, smiling kids with the white-toothy-smiling European/American/Australian youths in it. The other picture was that of a toothless-smiling woman and the impeccably-white-toothed smiling European/American/Australian couple again. They go back to their cleaner-richer-whiter countries and brag about seeing the real India, of homelessness, slums, diseases and poverty. But this is not right!! We are not just about economic paucity and skinny black rikshawallas! Every country lacks something or the other, but their rich-less-ness is not glorified as it is done here! How can they click pictures of so much misery and be merry in return!!!!!

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