Thursday, May 27, 2010
I had a burning stomach pain yesterday once I popped just a single honey-chilli lays special flavour chip. I think my gastritis has become worse now. All the pill-skipping and fabrications about their regularity down my throat turned their backs on me finally. Damn.
I also had this weird thing happening to me yesterday that I’ll be able to recite only once I’m old and grey. I know it’s pointless then mentioning it now, but, well, I want to bookmark it here and then come back when I m actually old and grey.
A sir gifted me this certain amlodipine (read anti-hypertensive drug) promoting Drug Company writing pad today, which has cute red smiling hearts in the center of the white of each paper. This is my 1st gift from any sir, whosesoever, in all my life. I blushed and thanked and felt silly showing it off to people around. Yes, yes. A writing pad is nothing astounding a gift, but then this is how I really work. Just a smile from a person can make me think of him as the most benevolent soul ever to have existed. I go all around the place, tilting a bit south of sanity. But alas, smiles don’t come easy most of the time. People hold grudges and then hit you back with them, and you, taking in the impact, fall back for support, unaware, hurt and the wounded ego getting the better of your neanderthal sensibility. If we could just let be, just forget and forgive, just smile and take in all the blows and venom with sugar and marmalade icing, grudges are bound to soften as quickly as two éclairs together in your mouth; and the world could turn into the rosy shade of a favorite purple-pink again.
Then again, ice-cream scoops and a frank eloquence of thoughtful intensions do melt away fast.
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